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Can I Claim Compensation?

If you are unfortunate and suffer an injury due to someone else's negligence then you could be entitled to make a claim.

Every claim is different but generally if there is proof that an injury, illness or disease was caused by negligence by another party you are entitled to claim. However there are time limits to when you can make a claim and failure to act in time can mean that no compensation claim can be made.

Personal Injury Claims Time Limits

How long you have to make a claim for personal injury compensation is dependant on the type of accident that took place. For the most common accidents 3 years from the accidents is the limit to when a claim can be made. We've listed the limits below for ease of reference.

Usually starting a compensation claim soon after an accident is the best practice this is because you are able to recollect the details and events of the accident better as well as witnesses being easily available, if necessary (whereas after a number of years they may be un-contactable).

Limits for Children

There are different rules for children, and those being treated under the mental health act 1983. Instead of a time limit being from the date of the incident a 3 year limitation rule starts once the child turns 18 years old, although this does not mean that a claim can not be made before then.

Simply put, they have until they are 21 to issue a claim.

Type of Accident Time Limit for Claim
Road Traffic Accident 3 year time limit from the date of the road traffic accident
Criminal Injury 2 years from the date of the criminal act
Industrial Disease From the date of the diagnosis or knowledge of the disease you have 3 years to claim
Medical Negligence From the date of the knowledge of the person injured or cause of action there is a 3 year limit
Slip, Trip or Fall 3 years time limit from the date of the accident
Workplace Accident 3 year time limit from the date of the accident that took place

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