0333 011 0515 call us today to start your claim

Get the compensation you deserve within 8 weeks from when you contact us. Find out if you have a claim.

Road Traffic Accident Compensation

Being involved in any type of road traffic accident can be an unpleasant, frustrating and costly experience. At MJP solicitors we want to help those people get back into gear by helping them claim back any financial losses and the compensation they are entitled to for the injuries they may have suffered though no fault of their own.

If you've been in an accident that wasn't your fault then we can help you quickly claim the compensation you're entitled to on a No Win, No Fee basis.

We can help you claim if you: -

  • Are the driver of a vehicle (including cars, vans, taxis and buses) that was involved in an RTA
  • A passenger of a vehicle (including cars, vans, taxis and buses) involved in an accident
  • The rider or pillion passenger involved in a motorbike accident
  • A pedestrian that was hit by a vehicle
  • A cyclist that was involved in a collision.

Our specialists have experience in helping those who have fallen victim of a non-fault road traffic accident and have suffered injuries such as whiplash, ??!! Add more??!! As well as claiming back loss of earnings and care costs.

Claiming Compensation

Starting your compensation claim with us is quick and simple. You can either phone 0333 011 0515 to speak to our specialist or use our quick online claim form to start the process.

Once you've made contact with us, and we've accepted your claim, we'll start the process of claiming the compensation you're entitled to.

See our claim process in detail

start your claim today.