0333 011 0515 call us today to start your claim

Get the compensation you deserve within 8 weeks from when you contact us. Find out if you have a claim.

Car Accident Compensation

If you've suffered an injury or financial loss from a non-fault car accident and would like to claim for compensation then MJP solicitors can help.

We understand that being involved in a car accident and dealing with insurance can be a stressful and frustrating time. That's why at MJP solicitors we like to make it as simple as possible to start your claim for compensation.

To start your claim all you need to do is call 0333 011 0515 or use our simple online claim form to contact us. During first contact we'll simply ask you to explain the details of the accident and any information that may help with your claim. We'll then let you know instantly whether you have a claim for compensation and if you wish we can start the process there and then.

Your insurance company may have approached you to make a claim but you are entitled to instruct anyone of your choice.

Injury Claim

Injuries sustained in car accidents can vary depending on the type of collision (rear-end, head-on etc.) but the most common injuries found in car accident is whiplash.

If another motorist caused the injuries you sustained then the claim is made against their insurance, not yours.

How Much Could I Receive?

Each accident claim is different and the compensation amount is dependant on the details of the accident and injuries involved. The average car compensation claim starts around £2,000 and can become a lot more.

Our injury calculator can help give you guidance on how much compensation you may be entitled to.

start your claim today.